#5 By-reference classes | Implementation (1/2)
Implementation techniques to make a class by-reference: variables, FGV Functional Global Variable, DVR Data Value Reference, SEQ Single Element Queue
Implementation techniques to make a class by-reference: variables, FGV Functional Global Variable, DVR Data Value Reference, SEQ Single Element Queue
By-value and by-reference classes, their differences, pros and cons. The first ones follow the LabVIEW dataflow. The second ones acts as refnum data types.
A real world example about the use of interfaces. The example includes design, UML diagrams, and implementation in LabVIEW and C#.
An interface is an entity that describes a set of method signatures, whose implementations can be provided by multiple classes.
SOLID principles are 5 guidelines to follow when designing OOP software. They are best practices that enable us to create more manageable and flexible software.
Finally, here we are! After months of stacked thoughts and several (mental) parliamentary questions, here is post 0 inaugurating this blog. The first of a (I hope!) long series to mainly delve into the subject of object-oriented programming declined to the LabVIEW* world. Well, now let’s get started. Unlike other natively object-oriented languages such as …